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Inspiring all to excellence

Meet our Team


Tony Hand


Tony Hand is the Vice-CEO of the Fierté Multi-Academy Trust and a Trustee. He has spent over a quarter of a century in education and was formerly a Head Teacher of two schools including a large primary school for fifteen years. In addition, he has held two Executive Headships supporting schools during periods of turbulence and previously carried out the role of Local Leader of Education. Alongside colleagues, Tony set up the Tamworth Primary Consortium bringing Headteachers together to serve the best interests of children and families in the locality; he has also Chaired this organisation at various intervals. He fervently believes that school to school support and collaboration presents a unique opportunity to release and maximise the potential of all children whatever their needs or backgrounds. His desire to inspire all to excellence extends beyond children to include the staff, parents, governors and other stakeholders that form part of the extended Fierté family.